Early years Foundation Stage


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As the Head of Primary at Oxford Academy, I feel privileged and honoured to be a part of an ever-developing institution that endeavors to take care of the academic, social and cultural development and well-being of our children. I am both excited and honoured to be associated with this institution, as well as being an integral part of your child’s educational, social and emotional development. Our dedicated team of professional, well-qualified and committed educators is continually striving to inspire our students to become productive, caring, responsible, and risk-taking world citizens. This we aspire to achieve by offering a curriculum that…

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Welcome to the Secondary Section of Oxford Academy, Kuwait. I am delighted to be able to bring my years of experience in education to bear on this exciting and ambitious school. Our students have already displayed a strong desire to learn and succeed and our dedicated team of teachers is eager to support them on this journey. Our parents and students clearly demonstrate their commitment to our learning community through their attendance of key events and the pride they take in wearing their uniform on a daily basis. This community culture underpins our aspiration to ensure that everyone is cared…

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IGCSE & AS Qualifications IGCSE & AS are internationally recognised external assessments for students run by three approved Exam boards; AQA (Oxford), Cambridge and Pearson (Edexcel) who all operate from the UK. At The Oxford Academy our students currently sit 4 IGCSE’s in Year 10 and 3 or 4 in Year 11, depending on the requirements of their next educational step. All Year 10 students sit English as a Second Language and Math’s and are also currently able to choose 2 additional options from the following subjects: Accounts, Arabic, Art, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, English Literature, Environmental Management, Geography, History, ICT, Physics & Travel and Tourism. For Year 11 students we add the option of English as a 1st language for those who require it. Alongside their option choices they will also take the Ministry Islamic and recreational PE. AS Levels are the Level 3 qualification and the equivalent of half an A level, several of our students require these qualifications to enter their chosen universities. We are successfully running the following options for students to study: Arabic, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Economics, English, ICT, Maths and Physics. Students can follow AS options in Year 11 depending on their IGCSE options, blocking and their requirements for university. The running of all courses is dependent on student take up and staff availability.

Arabic & Islamic Studies

Arabic  بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم قسم اللغة العربية السادة أولياء األمور الكرام السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته تحية طيبة مباركة، وكل عام وأنتم جميعا بخير وصحة وسعادة. وبعد… يود قسم اللغة العربية بمدرسة أكاديمية أكسفورد مشاركتكم بهذه النبذة المختصرة عما نقوم بتدريسه في قسمنا، حيث نقوم بتدريس المناهج الدراسية التالية: -1 منهج وزارة التربية والتعليم في دولة الكويت: في هذا المنهج، نقوم بالتدريس وفق الخطة الدراسية المعتمدة من التوجيه الفني للغة العربية)اإلدارة العامة للتعليم الخاص(،لصفوف المرحلة االبتدائية، والمتوسطة، والثانوية. ويتسلم فيه الطلبة الكتب الدراسية المعتمدة من وزارة التربية للفصلين الدراسيين األول والثاني، وكذا الدفاتر الخاصة بهم، مع االلتزام بالخطة الدراسية…

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At the Oxford Academy we have a Pastoral system to ensure that the physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing of pupils is cared for. We have a qualified non-teaching pastoral team whose commitment to pastoral care feeds into everything we do to ensure our students have the best chance of success. The team also supports close links with parents and guardians to ensure that we are all operating in the best interest of our students and your children.