Early years Foundation Stage

It is my privilege to welcome you and your children to the Foundation Department at The Oxford Academy School. I have been involved in education for 27 years and have taught in New Zealand, England and Kuwait. During this time I have held a range of different leadership positions, however I have to say this current one is the best ever! I am honoured to lead a dedicated group of teachers and teacher assistants who are passionate about delivering a quality, well balanced and fun filled curriculum for your child. Staff in the Foundation Classes follow the principles and curriculum…

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As the Head of Primary at Oxford Academy, I feel privileged and honoured to be a part of an ever-developing institution that endeavors to take care of the academic, social and cultural development and well-being of our children. I am both excited and honoured to be associated with this institution, as well as being an integral part of your child’s educational, social and emotional development. Our dedicated team of professional, well-qualified and committed educators is continually striving to inspire our students to become productive, caring, responsible, and risk-taking world citizens. This we aspire to achieve by offering a curriculum that…

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I would like to wish you a very warm welcome to the Secondary Section of Oxford Academy. We are an exciting and ambitious school that strives daily to ensure opportunities for all of our students and staff. We pride ourselves on our “Oxford Family”, a supportive and caring culture that ensures an environment exists where students can be pushed and challenged to achieve their full potential. An environment where our highly skilled staff can deliver to the highest levels in presenting inspiring and engaging lessons and learning. Oxford Academy is an ambitious and aspirational school and recognises that student’s value…

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IGCSE & AS Qualifications IGCSE & AS are internationally recognised external assessments for students. At The Oxford Academy our students currently sit 3 or 4 IGCSE’s in Year 10 and 3 or 4 in Year 11, depending on the requirements of their next educational step. All Oxford students sit English as a Second Language, Math’s and Arabic and are also currently able to choose from the following option subjects: Accounts, Art, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, English as a First Language, Geography, History, ICT, Physics, Travel and Tourism alongside their option choices they will also take the Ministry Islamic and recreational PE. AS Levels are the Level 3 qualification and the equivalent of half an A level, a number of our students require these qualifications to enter their chosen universities. We currently offer the following options for students to study: Arabic, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Economics, English, ICT, Maths and Physics. Students are able to follow an AS option in Year 11 depending on their IGCSE options and their requirements for university.

Arabic & Islamic Studies

ISLAM قسم التربية الإسلامية 2019 – 2020 إن قســــمَ التربيةِ الإسلاميةمن خلال دورهِ في المدرسة حريص على ترسيخ مفهومالعقيدةِ والتشريعاتوالأحكام المبنية على الدليل من القرآنِ الكريم والسنة النبوية المطهرة والاعتزازبالعبادات والحرصِ على اتقانِها والإيمانِ بدورِها . كما نودأن نؤكد حرصنا على مواظبة أبنائِنا على الصلاة من خلالِ استغلال فرصة الصلاة وحثِ الأبناء على المشاركة في أدائِها وبإشراف مدرسي القسم بٌغيةَ غرسِ حبَّ الصلاة والتعلقِ بها في نفوسِ النشىء . إن منهج الكفايات المقرر يستلزم من ولي الأمر أن يكون قريباً ومتابعاً حيث أن المنهج المذكور يربط المعرف السابقة للمتعلم بالمعطيات الجديدة ويراعي جوانب المتعلم على المستوى العقلي والواجداني والحركي .…

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At The Oxford Academy we pride ourselves in our Pastoral care which is managed across all three sections by three qualified and experienced staff. Theirs and all our staffs priority is the welfare and well-being of all our students. This is supported by our school nurse and the close links the team build with the students and their parents. They are available every school day to support the students in their learning and school life promoting and supporting their well-being and personal development. They play a key role in the important relationship between school (Teacher), Parents (Home) and the Student.